Google Form Lesson Ideas

If you haven't heard the hype by now- GAFE, Google Apps For Education, has been continuously changing and shaping the way we use technology in our schools by giving us the ability like never before to communicate and collaborate with one another. Whether you share a Doc with a student at the Chromebook next to you or a world away; Google has opened the compatibility playing field and raised the bar, IMHO, on the future of educational technology. I am personally a huge advocate for this reform- and have found using Google Drive is as easy and convenient as using your ball point pen (that is, if you still use those things!} As a teacher, I use many facets of GAFE for my own classroom use. For example, I use Docs to create digital worksheets; I use Slides for presentations; I use Forms for tests and polls and Sheets to pull the information from them. I could go on....

The third through eighth grade students in my school all have their own GAFE login which allows them the ability to use the Drive. Students in K-2 have one shared account and typically by the end of second grade I introduce the students to their GAFE accounts so they are ready to roll day one in third grade. But, that's how I roll and that's NOT what this post is about... but a little background knowledge never hurt anyone.

In fourth grade I run a series of lessons in Google so they are prepared for their Middle School years. {In my school that is 5-8. And that's when they become "Big Kids" and obtain an email account.} I begin with Google Search, Docs and then I tackle Forms- which is the main point of this post.... FINALLY!

Here is the outline of my lesson. Lesson 1 we walk through together. Lesson two, they are on their own.... well with a little guidance, I'm not that cruel!


 What is a Google Form?
Google Forms are a free Web polling and surveying service that easily collects information that you seek. It makes collecting information effortless; and it only takes moments to set up a form.

There are many reasons why you would want or need to set up a form using Google. For instance, as a teacher I would use it to create a test or quiz to collect answers from my students.

​Think about a situation or two that you could use Google Form for.


{This is the part of the lesson where I created a Google Form asking them what they would use Google Forms for. Intense, I know. But it gets them 1. Using a form. 2. Submitting the form. 3. Understand how to collect information from the form. Once all students have submitted a response I show them how to read the information. We then, of course, discuss.}


You are having a birthday party for a friend and want to invite people over. You decided the easiest way to do this is to create a Google Form to collect responses of who is going to attend and how they will contribute.

Please follow the directions below for your first assignment:
  1. Create a New Google Form and title it Birthday Invitation.
  2. Add a birthday theme (requires the new Google Form).
  3. The first question ask: What is your name? Use the short answer text option. Make this item required.
  4. Add a question: How many people will be attending? Use the multiple choice answer option and in each box list numbers 0-5. Make this item required.
  5. Last question: What food will I bring? Add a "Hint Text" and add "Select all that apply." Please use check-box answer option and on each line type in Dessert, Appetizer, Main Dish, Side Dish, Snacks, Drink. Make this item required.
  6. Send it to me and attach it to Google Classroom Assignment labeled "Birthday Invitation".


​For this assignment, you will be creating a 10 question quiz that will include:
  • 1 Short Answer Question
  • 1 Paragraph Answer Question
  • 2 Check-boxes Question
  • 6 Multiple Choice Questions
  • You must include one photo!
  • You must change the theme of your form.
  1. Your quiz may be of any subject of your choice- this is for fun! However, your topic must be appropriate. I suggest selecting a theme such as your favorite T.V. character, singer, video game, etc.
  2. Your questions must have a right or wrong answer and not be opinionated! For example, you cannot ask "What is your favorite color?"
  3. All spelling and grammar must correct.
  4. Send it to me and attach it to Google Classroom Assignment labeled "Form Quiz".


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